Sunday, February 15, 2009

My mock exam...

有一次tutorial, 個鬼佬tutor同我地講...

"Do you know the show 蘇 far so good? when you cook, you have to choose the right ingredients, put them in correct sequence and with appropriate portion. It's not tasty if you just put everything in at the same time, with inappropriate portion."

好明顯佢係想叫我地寫essay要有planning,唔好諗到乜就寫乜。It's a good metaphor, 大家笑一輪,然後點頭看似明白,但真係寫果刻真係做到?

今日個mock exam比我知道,寫得唔夠快唔係問題,or it should be the last thing to worry about。當一樣野都寫唔出既時候,寫得幾快、點樣plan、每個部分寫幾多等等都完全冇意義。我個hard disk既運作方法同呢個課程既要求有少少mis-match, I just realized that.

Just a few days of skimming and scanning the books, I expected that, but I am still feeling a bit down. I got contract law on Wed and common law reasoning on Sun, should I attend the mock to experiencing the same thing again?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I left a comment yesterday but I seemed to forget to publish it...haha...write it again la.

"唔使因為mock exam唔識而覺得唔開心,到真正考試就唔同架嘞,到時你只會覺得唔夠時間,除非你真係唔讀,否則您唔會一啲都唔識架,經驗之談,唔使太過擔心,反正都仲有成兩個幾月嘛。"