Monday, September 22, 2008

Embrace the technology

Wikipedia is sooooo gooood, 係一個真正既百科全書,law d 拉丁文可以一次過查晒點解,重講埋0係法律上既用法。我連打太古城佢都有齊晒d歷史、有幾多幢等等,何解科技會咁先進??? 重搵左d偏鋒英文slang.....


Drag queen - 易服僻 gay men
Rice queen - 飯係中國人主食,呢個解鍾意 date 中國人既鬼佬
Potato queen - 相反啦,鍾意 date 鬼佬既中國人
Bean queen - well,呢個係鍾意 date latino既鬼佬,唔識解,唔知 latino 食乜多...
sticky rice queen - both are rice but stick together, haha, that's chinese into chinese


Podcast is also pretty good.

One funny thing is, basically Joanna introduces me this thing, and I just realize we actually download more or less the same stuff after I check thru the list. Like "the existence of God", "the value of Philosophy"......


Picasa, an online album from Google. Haven't used it, but from the description it's pretty good (it can't be so bad coz it's from Google). 1st of all it's a desktop photo organizer, and then with a click of button it can upload the pictures on the online album. The amazing thing is it is a simplified photoshop which can deal with the red eye elimination, contrast adjustment, etc, and it manage to resize the pic automatically when it's upload on the internet. So it's a one software that does all! But the drawback is......the interface of the online album doesn't look good, just plain white background~

BTW, it's 1Gb storage space free of charge.....why the gell Google has the gigantic server for all the storage? I heard there is a service from Google which provides 7Gb harddisk storage. A program has to be installed 1st, and then an icon, like an external drive icon, will appear on the computer, and then drag and drop to put the files into this virtual drive, things will be uploaded to the internet automatically.

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